Fearless creature
Tell me how your feathers broke
Tell me how they looked at you. I want to know.
How did you manage? To look them in their eyes.
Was it painful, did you cry? When laughing faces made you choke.
Tell me then what happened. Fearless little bird.
I wnat to know.
What did it feel like? To have your body mangled, stepped on by their feet.
What did it make you see?
The good of all your life, or tragedy of man.
Was it painful, did you cry? When you asked them 'why?'.
How did it stain in your already bloodfilled eyes, to watch them cover up and cast a glance your side?
Tell me.
Tell me.
Before you die, I want to know.
Why did you not fly, away - escaping Death's cold clutch?
Why did you stay, right here when he arrived?
It makes no sense, I want to know. Please tell me why
- you are my only hope.

så vacker!
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